Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

The holiday weekend was our six year wedding anniversary. Sometimes we are out of town but if we aren't we always try to visit Gage Park where we were married.

While at the park Daryl decided to spend the last of his birthday money on a train ride. So we all got on the train and as we were passing the rose garden there was a wedding going on. A train went through our wedding too. I remember all the people waving to us, so we all waved to the newlyweds.

It seems like yesterday it was just Kelly and I. Now we are a family of four! It is amazing what can happen in six short years!

I have goals for this month, GOALS I say! I want to finish Daryl's Vest and my mojo socks. That sounds like it will keep me busy so I will stop there. :-)

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