Sunday, September 22, 2013


I didn't end up getting home on Friday till after eleven. Boo! But, both the boys slept till 7:40am on Saturday! Yay!
We were kind of lazy yesterday and today only really got laundry done. But I'm loving being home and listening to these crazy boys.
Tonight Kelly took Daryl and Alex to the park. When they came home Daryl had his bottom lip out so far he could almost step on it. I asked him what was wrong?
D-"Dad made us leave the park and I had to leave my friends."
Me-"Oh that is sad, were they friends from preschool?"
Kelly-"They were three kids in High School!"

Kelly said these two teenage boys and one girl were throwing a football around in the park. Next thing he knew Daryl was standing right in the middle of them playing catch. Then they took him to the swings and the slides. Kelly was really impressed that these  three kids played with Daryl for at least 30 minutes.
We don't know who they are but they made a very big impression on Daryl. The girl wanted to give Daryl a hug when it was time for him to go but he was so sad he didn't want to.
So next time you think the young people around are selfish remember these kids in the park who played with a five year old and made his day!

On the knitting front I just need to add pockets and buttons to D's sweater vest and I started a KU shawl. I was knitting on it when they won yesterday, I think it was good luck!

Sweater vest is pattern Pepo Pie

 Shawl pattern is Stripe Study Shawl

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