Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Now where did I put those teeth.....

No, this is not a funny thing I remember my great grandma Ruth saying. Daryl lost his second tooth on Tuesday. When I got home he was already asleep. So we retrieve new lost tooth and replace it with a dollar. Then as I'm heading to bed I remember I but the first tooth in a very special place so I would never loose it. I lost it!
I looked all over my room and I can't find that darn thing. This story has a couple of possible endings as I see it.
Ending #1-By the time Daryl looses all of his teeth he is bound to have found at least one of them since I'm evidently hiding them like Easter eggs.
Ending #2-When Kelly and I make our final move to the bone yard and our grand kids are cleaning out our place they start to wonder who their grandparents really were because they find kid's teeth in a piggy bank.

PS-Just checked the piggy bank, no dice.

Had a cute picture to put here of Daryl with his missing tooth. Kelly downloaded a new operating system on his phone and now I can't get the pictures to show up here.
Do we notice a running theme about how technology wants to kill my blog...

Had a visit with Daryl's teachers today and of course they said Daryl says the funniest things and one time he said-
Daryl- "Can I tell you a secret?"
Teacher-"Sure, what is your secret."
Daryl-"When I first met my brother, I didn't know his name."

I may have to direct them to the blog. They could probably be regular contributors!

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