Sunday, September 15, 2013

Little Victories

Daryl and Dad playing Legos!
Not to much going on, now that the manor is settling into our new routine. Daryl started going to Alex's babysitter and that has turned out to be a great thing. They are getting along well and now we only have one drop off in the morning and one pick up after work.

We are also adjusting to Daryl's half day of preschool four days a week. Now that all the kids are back on a routine we are looking forward to being boring for the next few weeks! We come home from work, make dinner, play with the kids and I go to bed not much after 9. It's a great life!

Daryl at Knit Night!
Wednesday I wanted to go to weekly knitting because I hadn't been in months. I was feeling a little guilty because I had some night meetings this week so I didn't want to leave Kelly home with the boys again for another night.

I finally decided I would take Daryl with me and be prepared to leave early if he couldn't behave himself. We brought his markers and coloring book. He was so happy to go and was excited when we got there. He talked to everyone and was not very interested in his coloring book. I thought that might happen so I was prepared to pack up when he said he would color if we could stay.

He colored a whole picture, started raising his hand when he wanted to talk and was a pleasant little guy at knitting!

We ended up staying for an hour and a half and that was longer than I had expected. He wants to go with me again and I told him if he acts the same way he did we can probably work that out!

I'm probably half done on Daryl's vest. Crossing my toes this one fits! I'm going to be out of town this week for a work conference. I'm excited about all the sessions I am signed up for but I will miss my three guys while I'm gone. I plan to get the vest done while I'm traveling, I also packed a shawl to knit in case I finish the vest super fast!

I will think of my babies in the crib when I start to miss them! I'm ready for all the hugs and cuddles on Friday when I see them again!

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