Sunday, September 8, 2013

With kids you have no secrets!

The only proof we have that Alex is Mexican.
He loves Avocados and Carnitas!

Hold onto your chairs, I'm going to tell you something you are not prepared for. Kelly and I fight. We've had maybe three since we have been married, I think that's normal. It basically comes down to I think I'm right, he thinks he is right, and we are not very good at agreeing to disagree.
The only reason I'm telling you this is because there is a funny story coming, right now!
On Saturday morning Daryl had a play date with Ms. Addison. So we head out to her house and I am chatting with her parents. All of a sudden this happens:
Daryl-"My dad slept on the couch last night, If he does that again I told him I was going to sleep with mommy!"
At this point we are all laughing as my friend asks me if that was true! Yup, totally true! I told her what had been going on, really hadn't planned on telling anyone, but it helped. I came home told Kelly what Daryl had said and we both laughed about it too.
That is why you need kids, they keep it fun, even when you are really not in the mood for fun. :-)

Kelly got the toy he has wanted for years!
A steam mop. And no he did not get it because
we were fighting, it was in the Sept. budget!
We had a pretty relaxing weekend at home this weekend. Kelly put up crown molding in the living and dinning room, the boys and I went to the zoo, Daryl ran through the sprinkler, Kelly cleaned all the floors with his new toy, Alex loved him some avocados and I RAN EIGHT MILES! Didn't think I could do that last one, but I did. I didn't plan my loop very well because I ended a mile away from the house. So...I totally called Kelly and had him come get me! I have no shame!

No knitting this weekend, I need to work on that this week.

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