Thursday, August 29, 2013

Here we go again!

On Tuesday Daryl started Pre School! As you can tell from the picture he is thrilled. Actually, he is not upset about starting school, after a vacation filled with mom taking pictures of him he is just sick of the camera. This will also be seen in our family pictures that we took last week. Alex did a lot better at smiling than Daryl. I guess that is just how it is when you are five year old boy!

I restarted the sweater vest for Daryl and he was very upset that the first one didn't fit. This, in a weird way, makes me happy because he still wants the things I knit for him. (Unlike Kelly who doesn't like hand knit things...) This was a conversation Daryl and I had this weekend.

Daryl: "Mom I want you to throw away all your yarn and needles and play with me."
Me: "Daryl that hurts my feelings, what if I said throw away all your toys so you will play with me?"
Daryl: "I don't want you to throw away all your yarn, just the yarn you don't use for me!"
Me: "So you like your sweaters I make for you?"
Daryl: "Yes! Just knit for me!"

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