Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Multitasking Weekend

We had a great weekend with a birthday party for both boys, a horse show, one sweater finished and one sweater started! About the only thing I didn't accomplish this weekend was get the blog updated. Oh well, I guess you can't have it all.
Kept Alex up late tonight so he could model  his sweater. I needed to sew on all the buttons. He was such a good sport for his photo shoot.

Daryl has had so much fun playing with all the toys he got at his birthday party. Tonight we put together his scooter for him.

He is wearing his Royals jersey and Jordan shorts he also got on Saturday. He got home from his party and changed into this new favorite outfit. Since he only wore it a half a day I let him wear it again on Sunday. He then begged me to wash them on Monday and it was the only thing he would put on today! This could get interesting!!

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