Sunday, August 4, 2013

Whale Watching

 Tada! Here is the almost done first year sweater. I still have to *gasp* cut it! This sweater will be a cardigan after I cut it up the front, knit button bands and add buttons.
It is the happiest I've ever been with stranded color work. This particular pattern is well written and I'm confident will be my first successful steek! pattern:

Last week we had a work pool party at Ms. Pam's to celebrate Chelsey's last day in our office. She was our amazing summer intern and we will miss her dearly. Ms. Pam is the hostess with the mostess and everyone had a blast.
Both my boys think they are fishes and have loved swimming this summer!

Yesterday, I ran my second ever 10K race. It was the same race I ran my first 10K two years ago, the Manhattan Running Company "Brew to Shoe". I wasn't sure how it was going to go because I didn't get to run much the week of the race.

Turns out I was ready as I beat my previous time by three minutes! I had two goals. Number 1 don't walk, number 2 finish under an hour. I achieved both with a time of 58:11.

I finally feel like I am back where I left off when I was pregnant with Alex. Now I just have to decide if 10K is my distance or do I try and go half marathon? There is a big difference between 6.2 miles and 13.1! I'm going to try and up my mileage for a few weeks before I decide!

Big shout out to my official cheering section Sherol!! A friend gets up early to cart you from the finish line to your car. A Best friend does the same thing, brings you cold water and takes you to the YARN STORE!!!

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