Monday, July 29, 2013

Better than Fair

Hello Everyone! I'm glad to say that another Shawnee County Fair is in the books! Like any multiple day event it had its highs and lows but the highs outnumbered the lows and the kids, parents and volunteers all deemed it a success. :-) The cool weather sure didn't hurt matters!

While I was in full on fair mode Daryl spent the week with grandparents. He started in Holton fishing and playing with cousins, he ended his week at home with Grandma Rosie and cousin Cedar.

He loved it and cried when everyone went home. He wanted all his playmates back!

I had some moments of free time during the fair and got to work on Alex's sweater a bit. It is starting to be more recognizable!

As if my life wasn't going to be crazy enough last week we got a new puppy! My mom's neighbor in Hanston rescued a dog that was pregnant from the side of the road. When she had puppies and they  needed a home I knew the boys needed one. I named her Purl in hopes that she would be my knitting buddy. So far she is much happier chasing the boys around the house than sitting in my lap while I knit!

She is a great addition to our family!

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