Sunday, July 7, 2013

Some Catching Up to Do!

Long time, no blog! Here is what we have been up to in a photo heavy update.
1.) Daryl did so good with the fireworks this year! Last year he hated the loud noises but this year he got brave and really enjoyed them on the 3rd in Baldwin City and on the 4th in Hanston.

2.) We spent the Holiday weekend in SW Kansas and had a family reunion with Mom's side of the family. It was a lot of fun and I got to visit with some cousins I hadn't seen in years, and other cousins I'm not sure I've ever met!

3.) Alex got a really cute shirt from his Aunt Diane that is probably more than a little true!
4.) Daryl lost his first tooth! It seems a little early but the adult tooth is peeking out of the gum. He is so excited tonight because the tooth fairy couldn't come to grandma's house but will visit him now that he is home! 

5.) Most exciting update of them all. I finished a knitted thing! I made a hooded sweater for cousin Bennett's first birthday. I started it June 22nd and figured an 18 month old sweater with worsted weight yarn and size six needles, No Problem! I was going really good the first week and was sure everything was going to be finished before we had to leave for the reunion. Then when progress halted, because, well I wasn't knitting on it that much I figured I would finish it on the four hour drive.
When I got to my mom's house I was still missing a sleeve and the hood. No problem, I planned to just knit on it at the reunion and finish it there. The reunion was from 8am till 10pm and I was exhausted when we left. The entire day I did manage to knit the other sleeve during down time. No big deal, I had the whole four hours back home to make one teeny tiny hood! After all, the directions for the hood were only six sentences long!
We get back on the road and turns out the hood has 12 rows of increases, knit SEVEN inches straight and then 12 rows of decreases! What the What! I knit like the wind for the entire trip home and was binding off in our drive way in Topeka. I then made Kelly drive to Holton, very slowly, so I could seam up the hood and weave in all the ends. But, I finished a thing! And the birthday boy is going to be so handsome in his sweater! Once it is cold enough to wear it...darn July babies... :-)
 This was the hood a little after Abilene, I was sweating it!

 Birthday boy with his sweater. Worth it!


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