Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I'll Probably Forget

This Saturday is Alex's first birthday. I will probably forget to write anything that day because I will be too busy hugging and loving him. He is becoming mommy's little boy instead of her little baby. So in case I forget to write the happy birthday blog because we are having a little happy birthday party here are some Al fun facts.
*He is getting a lot better at walking and I can safely say he walked before his first birthday
*He is a terrible sleeper. Most nights of the week he gets up once, special nights he gets up two or three times.
*For a chunky baby he doesn't like many foods, soon we will be taking away his bottle...
*He laughs A Lot, especially at Daryl.
*Naked in the bathtub he looks like the Michelin man!
*He says dada, bye bye and Dillon (babysitter's son's name).
*He does not say mama.
*He likes to hit people in the head, not proud of that one but it is about the first thing he does when he meets a new kid. Just consider yourself warned.
*He is a cuddler, I Love It!

So there is the year one update. And now for a picture of the birthday sweater!
Hmmmmm, about that sweater.....

1 comment:

  1. Oh sorry to notice, but I don't think that sweater will be done by Saturday.
    I do love that Alex loves to cuddle. I enjoy his laugh and his smile. And I have heard him laugh about Daryl's antics.
    You have great kids.
    Good job, Momma & Daddy.
    Love you
    Grandma Rosie
