Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Little Picasso

The project for the month of July was to paint the living room, dinning room and hallway. We got the paint in July but that was about it!

Kelly took some time off of work and got the whole project done in two days. He had a little help. :-)

I was very proud of Kelly for letting Daryl paint one of the walls on the first coat. Kelly can be a little type A when it comes to home improvement projects. He likes everything done a particular way and he usually doesn't trust anyone but himself. When Daryl saw the paint and paint brushes come out he begged and begged to get to paint.

Kelly finally caved in and Daryl was so happy he glowed for the entire day! He told anyone who would listen that he painted with Dad and he was wearing his painting clothes. He knows that dad has painting clothes and now he does too.
It took a little longer to do the first coat but the memory that Kelly created for Daryl was priceless. Way to go Dad!

PS-All that said I still don't approve of when Kelly lets Daryl use the drill.
 PPS-He has actually lets him use it!
Finished product!

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