Thursday, May 24, 2012

31 Weeks!!

I'm trying not to panic but in TWO months we should have a baby. I do hope that he decides to stay in that entire time, but he sure has been acting like he has a busting out plan lately!! I don't remember Daryl being this active and Daryl is our energetic child. This could get interesting...
Some things that I left behind in the 30th week of pregnancy: 1.) My wedding ring 2.) My Jeans 3.)Crawling around on the floor and 4.) a full nights sleep!
Actually I haven't been sleeping thru the night for quite some time now but I guess that is just preparing me for the months ahead. I was making great progress on the sweater for Daryl when I got the rest of my blanket blocks in the mail from Oklahoma. YIPEE!! So last night I decided to block the blocks! LOL
This picture isn't all of them, but all I could stand to work on at one time. See above about not being able to crawl around on the floor anymore! I would list all the knitters that donated blocks but I would probably leave someone out so needless to say they are plenty!
Feel free to leave a comment if you want to claim your block!!
Remember this is only two thirds of them!

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