Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Yarn School

As I mentioned before Yarn School will probably have to be broken up into many posts. It is that much fun!!! The three day school/camp is hosted by the magnificent Nikol Lohr and takes place in the old Harveyville, KS High School. It is the perfect setting of academia/peaceful/rustic that inspires people.

Here was the spinning circle at the very beginning of check in on Thursday night, it got so large once everyone was there it took up half the gym.
Thursday night we were fed appetizers and I'm not kidding when I say I went back to Yarn School 50% for the fiber fun and 50% for Nikol's food. It is unbelievably good and I wanted to take pictures of it all but most of the time didn't think about that until I had filled my tummy!
But I know of no one that elevates mac and cheese to a sinfully good dish and then the next night turns out homemade tortillas that taste like my great grandma's! Yum Yum Yum
Dye lab will have its own post so don't think I am neglecting that class. But these were the beautiful batts that I made during the batt making demonstration. Once again I wish I had taken a picture of the ping pong table of fiber that we had to chose from to mix and blend but playing with a drum carder is about the funnest thing since kindergarten finger paints! What I really love about making batts is that you can throw in random stuff and it just makes the yarn more interesting. My pink and blue batt has a lot of sparkle in it and my orange and blue batt has some yellow silk in it that will make it tweedy in Yarn form! Too much fun!!
Yarn school posts are to be continued...this is just a little slice to get you thru to the next post!
With all the lovely ladies I met I was still dying to have coffee with my Daryl when I got home! He missed it too because dad doesn't let him have his own coffee but mom does! Behind us is our new microwave!! It looks just like the old one but this one...wait for it...WORKS! I can't believe I went a month without a microwave, it is a necessity I had even in my first dorm room! I'm still doing the dishes by hand and we are still taking laundry to the laundromat but the microwave was worth fixing first!!

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