Monday, May 14, 2012

Where did my energy go?

 This weekend was great! Walked the mother's day 5K with two of my best friends, had a great lunch and got an awesome card from Daryl. My Sunday was so great that it seeped over to my Monday and it also started great. Everyone got off to work and school without a fight and no one was late.

I had high high hopes for after work and made a great big to do list for when I got home.
Don't say I've never posted a bad picture of myself
on the blog! It was sooooo sunny!

Baby Booties!!
Well...I'm home now...and all I'm doing is playing on the computer. I could go to bed right now! I think I'll wait till 8:30 for bed and just knit on Daryl's sweater a bit. I'm pretty sure that was on the to do list!

1 comment:

  1. I remembered that you ran your first 5K last Mothers day! So glad you had a great day. The booties are so cute!!
