Friday, June 1, 2012

Soccer, knitting there anything else??

This week has been super busy at Meerpohl Manor! Daryl went to his first soccer camp and has been a trooper! It started on Tuesday the 29th and ends tonight. Other than playing with a soccer ball he really didn't know anything about the game so he has had a lot of fun learning and playing with the other kids. I'm amazed at four and five how much some of the other kids can already do!
The camp is for 90-minutes every evening so he has been super tired at night! That is the longest he has ever done one activity so it just shows how much he is growing up. Sniff...he is not my baby anymore!!
Last night I finished his 4-year birthday sweater!! Yay!! Even Kelly said "Wow you are a whole two months early!"
Me-"I know right!"
It still needs a bath but the knitting is done and the ends are all sewn in. I wanted to finish this in May so I was hell bent to get it done last night! YAY!!
Surprisingly, I also finished the baby blanket in May. Now I just want to knit a little coming home vest and then I'm knitting some stuff for ME! Because I'm selfish like that! LOL
Thank you to all the knitters who donated to this blanket, you will wrap my baby in hand made hugs every time he uses it!

I've wanted to post this picture for the longest time. There is a little back story on why its a cool picture.
When I'm at the computer there is usually a 95% chance I'm on Ravelry. There are over 2 million members on Ravelry.  Kelly calls Ravelry facebook for knitters but it is really so much more, I'll call it a fiber arts community.
Anywho, when I found out I was pregnant I joined the Due in July 2012 group. We help each other, give advice and cyber hugs! It's an awesome group.
So I was super surprised when I found out that another one of my due in July group friends was going to Yarn School! So my baby bump met Sarahlou's baby bump at yarn school! It was really fun AND that meant there was another person there that couldn't drink beer all day and night and that made me feel better too! ;-)


  1. :D yay meetups! it is amazing how small the world gets through ravelry! it was great to meet you and i hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly.

    soccer seems to be so good for the little kids, glad daryl's getting involved and liking it. sounds like a great way to burn a little extra energy so he's not wearing YOU out, too much, too! ;)

  2. I loved this post. my baby D is growing up so fast! Hope he had alot of fun at camp!
    His sweater looks great, and I am so glad you met some of your goals. That is always a great feeling.
    Hope we get to see pictures of sarah lous baby when it is born. Do you know her due date?
    Love u guys!
