Monday, June 25, 2012

Surprise Grandma Visit!

Our family was very surprised and happy this weekend to get a visit from Grandma Rosie from the other side of the state! It is a very strange year when wheat harvest is, for the most part, over this early in the summer. Usually my mom misses her birthday celebration, (end of June) and the 4th of July because of wheat harvest.
We decided not to tell Daryl she was coming until Friday in case plans changed, so he was the most surprised out of all of us.

Daryl is starting to smile like me, meaning when
he smiles you can't see his eyes!

Grandma got to take Daryl to tumbling on Saturday, ride the train in the park and enjoy a fish fry with the other grandparents. Overall it was a great relaxing weekend.

I even got the newly spun sprout plied, washed and it is hanging in the sunroom to dry right now. Hopefully I will cast on the sweater vest with it soon because I'm kinda out of things to knit right now. It seems if I have the pattern I don't have the yarn and if I have the yarn I don't have the pattern. It's a vicious cycle.

Speaking of never having what I need to finish a project (nevermind the entire closet in my new house devoted to my fiber arts), Kelly had this to say.
Kelly-You let yarn run your life, you will put off anything else just to play with your yarn.
Me-It could be worse, I could be addicted to something awful like cocain.
Kelly-I don't think that would cost me more money than the yarn does!
Me- "Eyeroll"!
See, Kelly can be funny sometimes!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great weekend! it was very hard to leave you all, to return home. Just had such a great time. Thanks for the birthday cake!! See you soon!
