Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wash Day

I'm sure a big Wash Day means something else to most households. Good thing Kelly knows around Meerpohl Manor it means all the hand knits and hand spuns are getting washed. He didn't even flinch when I asked him to put nails in the rafters of the sun room so I could hang yarn to dry. That is LOVE!

I finally got Daryl's sweater washed and blocked and the baby vest washed and blocked. Lots done this weekend and I'm feeling relieved that all the projects are getting wrapped up. I feel so good in fact that I started some baby socks. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Daryl looks so handsome in his new sweater! Tell him I love his haircut! Those little socks look very cute, too!
    I know Kelly loves you! You rock, Meerpohls!
