Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Just too tired to blog!

I've had some nervous energy to work with this month. I've channeled it into spinning and am LOVING this green Hello Yarn fiber. I have grand plans for a sweater vest using this yarn. We shall see! Hoping that after this week everything calms down and Kelly and I can do the finishing touches of the baby stuff. We don't have much left besides put in the car seats, pack a bag and buy some diapers. Time is getting close folks!!

Speaking of time is getting close this weekend sister-in-law and I took our first belly bump pictures together. We are due on the same day! It will be fun to have cousins this close in age and I'm just hoping we don't wear out grandma Meerpohl. ;-)

This weekend I finished the baby socks and started a cowl using my handspun. I like saying the word cowl around Kelly because he just shakes his head and says, "I have no idea what that is...it looks like a scarf..."
It's fun to keep him guessing sometimes!
Other than Kelly breaking his glasses and being blind for the whole day we had a great father's day! Daryl got to give dad his golf gift card and tell daddy about how we got to ride a golf cart when we went to buy it. Daryl has been trying to tell Kelly about this for weeks but I would just shrug my shoulders and say I had no idea what he was talking about. Daryl was happy people finally started believing him and his golf cart story! We had breakfast out and then went to the pool. I'm sure Kelly could feel the love Daryl and I were sending him because LORD knows he couldn't see us!! LOL
 P.S. for those of you concerned about poor Kelly he got new frames yesterday and can see again!

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