Sunday, July 1, 2012

Staying Cool!

This weekend priority one has been staying cool! Mission accomplished :-)
Spent most of the last couple of days staying inside working on some projects.
Kelly built a shelf for the kitchen that I am super excited about. I saw the idea on pinterest and have been bugging him to make one. All the mail and pens and stuff did sit on the island but now that we have this shelf, our island seems twice as big. Yay!!
I've been knitting my handspun sprout and am in the process of making my first handspun sweater vest. After all, there is nothing better to do in 100 degree plus weather than knit a sweater!
We did get outside once to go to the pool with friends. I could sit in a pool all day every day in this weather.

Kelly and I have a birthing class tomorrow so as long as baby doesn't come tonight we should be ready! LOL Actually, I need the baby to stay in until we get our new carpet in the nursery put in, and that is a couple of weeks away. Don't worry, I've talked with baby and he agrees that he doesn't want to come out till his room is ready. So as long as he doen't change his mind we will be in business!
Handspun Sprout Yarn
Beginning of Sprout vest!

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