Monday, July 9, 2012

Catching Up

I've had "update the blog" on the to-do list for a week now but with all going on around the manor it is just now getting done.
The 4th of July was very relaxing for our family. We spent a lazy morning cleaning the house and doing laundry. Then after naps, (we all took one), we were in search of fireworks that didn't make noise! That does not leave you a lot of options but we did find a few.  We also found some ice cream!
We had a private fireworks show in the drive way set off by show master Kelly, then we were all in bed by ten. We are PARTY ANIMALS!

We did spend the 3rd of July with friends in Baldwin City and had some BBQ and bigger fireworks so  we were not missing out.
Another change around here is I started with the Extension office (again:-) this week. I loved working there before and I'm happy to be working there again. The timing is a little wonky with me having the baby soon but everyone is being really flexible with me and I appreciate it! If I can get through my 3-day orientation at K-State this week before going into labor I don't think I can ask anymore of the baby! So after Wednesday I grant him permission to be born, let's see if he cooperates!

On the knitting front I've made big progress on my sweater vest made out of my own hand spun yarn BUT it has zapped all my mental energy. So, I have started making some little baby hats that take almost zero thought.
Sometimes you just need a little mindless stockinette stitch!!


  1. Well, at least you will know of a few new babies around to fill those hats!!
    Glad you are feeling well. Rest up & good luck on the new job!!

  2. delorescecil@att.netJuly 10, 2012 at 11:42 AM

    I don't know anyone who knits as fast as you do. Do you have a machine?

    1. Thanks Aunt Dee! I don't have a machine only because I think if I got one more piece of equipment so soon after my spinning wheel Kelly's head might explode! :-) I can see a loom sometime in my future then maybe a knitting machine to play with!
