Sunday, July 29, 2012

When Kelly Gets in a Mood

 When my dear husband Kelly gets in a picture hanging mood, it's best to just go with it! After church today he was looking for a project and I said, "I would like the boys' pictures hung in our bedroom." That caused him to pull all the things we had to hang on the walls from the basement and start hanging.
Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that the pictures, clocks and art are up. I just think it's funny how focused on a project Kelly gets. I also think he is passing that trait along to Daryl. The entire time Kelly was criss crossing the house, D was right by his side!

Grandma Rosie left us today. :-(  She had been staying with us since Alex was born, but had to go back home. We could only think of one proper way to thank her. We took her out for Orange Leaf frozen yogurt!

Alex slept through his first frozen yogurt, and Daryl got his with gummy bears!

 A few words from the Daryl Dictionary that will help you if you find yourself in conversation with him.

Drain = Drown
Used mostly while playing in the bathtub. "Mom help me I'm draining!"

Teamer = Coach
Used when he plays soccer.
"Mom you be the teamer and I'll be your team!"

1 comment:

  1. What a fast week that was! I had a lot of time to bond with Alex. I had a lot of time to be with Daryl, and we had loads of fun at cousin Caysens party! I just hope I actually helped out at Meerpohl Manor! Because none of it seemed like work. I had fun.
    love you all,
