Friday, August 3, 2012

What was I thinking?

I would like to think that since Alex is my second child I kinda know what to expect this time around. Obviously, I have conveniently forgotten that even though you are home all day you get absolutely nothing done! Seriously folks if I get a shower before noon we are doing good.
So I then ask myself, why did I think I was going to get a bunch of knitting done?
I'm not talking about one easy project that I had planned. Below is the list of things I planned to knit on maternity leave. Not only did I plan to knit these things I announced these intentions to all of my knitting friends and on Ravelry. PS-To throw some salt in the wound I tend to forget I'm a slow knitter.
This would be awesome if it was a hat...but it's not a hat.
1.) Christmas Stocking for Alex
Need to finish the back then knit around arm holes and neck hole. Don't know if I have enough yarn...
2.) Handspun vest
3.) Que Sera Cardigan sleeves (body was done a year ago) (No picture of this one because I haven't even dug it out of the yarn closet!) (I love parenthesis)
When this is done that whole cake of yarn will be used!
4.) Nuvem Shawl (this is a monster of a shawl)

ummmmmmm ya I don't see any of these things getting done so I started spinning some new fiber!

Cute Daryl Story: Whenever Daryl holds Alex he always asks if I will take his picture, he thinks that is the only reason he would hold his brother!

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