Friday, August 24, 2012

We Are Still Here!

Sorry for the lack of updates but my computer died! It is still getting worked on, so no pictures this time. But I have lots of pictures to share when I do get it back, fingers crossed today!
The laptop is four years old and has been our computer every day for all of those years. It has also survived spills and being dropped. The spills is probably what did it in as first the hard drive was bad and then the old water damage to the mother board is what really shut it down.
We replaced the hard drive and the computer repair people think they can fix it to where it does not need a new mother board. If they can do that we are in business. If that needs replaced we will probably just need a new computer! (Lets hope we don't have to do that)
OK, enough about our computer woes!!
Cute Daryl story: So we are borrowing Grandma Meerpohl's van because we are going to have some company this weekend and it will be better to haul everyone around. I put Daryl in the van this morning and he notices the back up camera showing on the display when I'm pulling out of the garage. That is when the commentary started all the way out of the driveway (we have a long driveway).
Daryl "Look out mom, whoa look out, I think you are going to hit the light, oh no I think you are going to hit the mailbox, Look Out mom! OK, we made it.)
The relief in his voice when we were in drive and the camera went off made me laugh for about two blocks!
Alex update: We weighed him this morning and our 5 week old baby is eleven pounds. Yay!
Finished his Christmas stocking and can't wait to post pictures of all the knitting. Hopefully in the next post!!

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