Friday, July 13, 2012

38 Weeks

I know I "technically" have two weeks of pregnancy left, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings if this little man comes early! No matter what Brooke says I don't think anyone wants me at the county fair pregnant. LOL
There was one baby born in our family this week.

I present to you Bennett our newest nephew! We went and visited him in the hospital hoping it would coax his cousin out, but no such luck! Bennett is a really cutie and slept the whole time I was visiting him. I do think Uncle Kelly made him cry!
The only up side to staying pregnant is we do have new carpet coming on Monday and a new baby would put a little hitch in that. So we will try to stay positive about actually making it to my due date, I just hope baby is not getting any ideas about getting too big!

Speaking of too big, last Saturday Daryl had his last tumbling class. He is getting to be such a big boy! We will have to sign him up for another class soon, he had a lot of fun.


  1. You look so cute! I am glad to have pictures of you and I so enjoy watching Daryl grow up through your blog. I can't wait for your new addition.
    You & Kelly have such a cute little family. Love U
    Momma Korf
