Thursday, April 19, 2012

Knitting and Growing

I've decided that with a baby coming in July the time to do Daryl's birthday sweater is now. So I have picked a pattern and dug some yarn out of the stash and cast on. It's going to be a pullover with a honeycomb front. I will post pictures when there is something more to show. Right now it is just about two inches of sweater and not impressive...yet!

 I did finish my orange block for the baby blanket and have started a blue one. I need 36 blocks and so far I have eight. I need to stay on top of this block issue!

It was time to take the six months pregnant picture. I can't believe that the time has gone this fast. While documenting how big I can get Daryl decided to get in on the action and give the baby a hug! Awww, let's hope he is this sweet when there is an actual newborn around!!

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