Monday, April 9, 2012

Hoppy Easter!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and a Happy Easter! We had a beautiful day and played outside for most of it. There was a good game of Frisbee going on and Daryl got to fly his first kite! It was so cute to watch him run as fast as he could to keep it up and he did a really good job!
Playing outside was just half the fun, the other half was the food! It was all wonderful but Daryl especially liked the suckers Aunt Jenny made out of Jolly ranchers. I got creative with  my deviled eggs, we don't have a working stove top, so I baked the eggs!

I got the idea off of pinterest and it really works. Set the oven to 325 and set room temperature eggs directly on the oven rack and bake for 27 minutes. You can do about 18 at a time and they all come out perfect. Except for the two that exploded, I think they had cracks in them. Did I mention to put a cookie sheet in the bottom of the oven? That will save you if you have an explosion!

Daryl has his friend Addison over tonight! Can't you tell most of the time they love each other!!

Finished my first block for the baby blanket. Thankfully, I have a lot of friend knitters who are helping me with this project. I'm going to need 36 blocks in total!.

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