Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This post is rated PG

Had a PG moment while we were working in the yard today. It was mostly Kelly's fault! We were getting out all the tools to rake the yard and plant some tulips I acquired when Daryl wanted to play with the shovel. Kelly explained to him  that we only have one shovel and one rake and one hoe so Daryl had to keep using the hoe.
We were all working away, I was raking, Kelly was planting flowers and Daryl was just goofing around. Pretty soon the conversation went like this.
D-"Mom if I had a million dollars I would buy you another rake."
Me-"That's nice Daryl."
D-"Dad if I had a million dollars I would buy you another shovel."
K-"That's nice buddy."
Me-"Daryl what would you buy for yourself if you had a million dollars."
D-"A Hoe!"
K-"Daryl, I bet a lot of people buy a hoe when they get a million dollars!"
Me-"Kelly! Now he is going to say that at school!"

I told you it was mostly Kelly's fault!

Started another block for the blanket, I want to see how fast I can turn one out. I cast on last night!

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