Thursday, April 5, 2012

Back Online

The cable company finally made it out today to fix the internet! Yay!!
So here are a few pictures of the new house. These are pre move, I will post some more as we unpack more boxes. No knitting to show because between unpacking and trying to read a library book before it's due back, I have no time!
The New Kitchen! (The microwave and dishwasher don't work but its a work in progress!)

My favorite Kitchen bonus, the Spice Rack in the cupboard!

Daryl's room was the first to be unpacked thanks to Grandma Rosie!

Sun Room! Yes that is a hot tub in the corner and we have no idea if it works!

My bedroom! A new coat of paint and new carpet and I might never go in any other room in the house. The bedroom in plenty big enough for our bedroom furniture, bookcases, spinning wheel, knitting supplies and we still have room for more. Love it!

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