Monday, April 30, 2012

Happiness is...

I got back from Yarn School in Harveyville, KS yesterday. It was so much fun there will be many posts and many pictures to come! Right now I just wanted to recoup and try and find a place in my house for all my new fiber that I need to play with.
I took 80 pictures this weekend so I can make a Yarn School photo book. This picture of this sweet sweet Alpaca stood out from all of them. He was just sheared last week so he looks a little like a Q-Tip but he is a sweetheart that did not mind all of the visitors. I decided of all the pictures his needed to grace the blog first!
Look for more fibery fun pictures and stories to come. I need to sleep some more before I can put the whole joyous weekend into words for you all.
But for today know that Happiness is a Warm Alpaca!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

This is Going to be a Long One

Sorry for the lack of blog, it is not because I haven't been busy. So I'm giving you one of those posts loaded with pictures because there is just too much to try and type!
On Saturday we went to Lawrence with my friend Dusty. This is the guys watching Daryl while I was in Weavers.

This is Daryl in the tree because no one is watching him!

This is Daryl on the roof...

Tonight we made pancakes while Daddy was at Choir practice.

I got applause for my mickey mouse.

A nice try for my doggie!

More applause for my Iron man! I stopped taking requests after Iron Man.

I just got a shoulder shrug for my heart pancake :-(
This is the baby blanket project so far!

The start of Daryl's birthday sweater! I wanted this done in April so I have a lot of work to do!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Knitting and Growing

I've decided that with a baby coming in July the time to do Daryl's birthday sweater is now. So I have picked a pattern and dug some yarn out of the stash and cast on. It's going to be a pullover with a honeycomb front. I will post pictures when there is something more to show. Right now it is just about two inches of sweater and not impressive...yet!

 I did finish my orange block for the baby blanket and have started a blue one. I need 36 blocks and so far I have eight. I need to stay on top of this block issue!

It was time to take the six months pregnant picture. I can't believe that the time has gone this fast. While documenting how big I can get Daryl decided to get in on the action and give the baby a hug! Awww, let's hope he is this sweet when there is an actual newborn around!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This post is rated PG

Had a PG moment while we were working in the yard today. It was mostly Kelly's fault! We were getting out all the tools to rake the yard and plant some tulips I acquired when Daryl wanted to play with the shovel. Kelly explained to him  that we only have one shovel and one rake and one hoe so Daryl had to keep using the hoe.
We were all working away, I was raking, Kelly was planting flowers and Daryl was just goofing around. Pretty soon the conversation went like this.
D-"Mom if I had a million dollars I would buy you another rake."
Me-"That's nice Daryl."
D-"Dad if I had a million dollars I would buy you another shovel."
K-"That's nice buddy."
Me-"Daryl what would you buy for yourself if you had a million dollars."
D-"A Hoe!"
K-"Daryl, I bet a lot of people buy a hoe when they get a million dollars!"
Me-"Kelly! Now he is going to say that at school!"

I told you it was mostly Kelly's fault!

Started another block for the blanket, I want to see how fast I can turn one out. I cast on last night!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Hoppy Easter!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and a Happy Easter! We had a beautiful day and played outside for most of it. There was a good game of Frisbee going on and Daryl got to fly his first kite! It was so cute to watch him run as fast as he could to keep it up and he did a really good job!
Playing outside was just half the fun, the other half was the food! It was all wonderful but Daryl especially liked the suckers Aunt Jenny made out of Jolly ranchers. I got creative with  my deviled eggs, we don't have a working stove top, so I baked the eggs!

I got the idea off of pinterest and it really works. Set the oven to 325 and set room temperature eggs directly on the oven rack and bake for 27 minutes. You can do about 18 at a time and they all come out perfect. Except for the two that exploded, I think they had cracks in them. Did I mention to put a cookie sheet in the bottom of the oven? That will save you if you have an explosion!

Daryl has his friend Addison over tonight! Can't you tell most of the time they love each other!!

Finished my first block for the baby blanket. Thankfully, I have a lot of friend knitters who are helping me with this project. I'm going to need 36 blocks in total!.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Back Online

The cable company finally made it out today to fix the internet! Yay!!
So here are a few pictures of the new house. These are pre move, I will post some more as we unpack more boxes. No knitting to show because between unpacking and trying to read a library book before it's due back, I have no time!
The New Kitchen! (The microwave and dishwasher don't work but its a work in progress!)

My favorite Kitchen bonus, the Spice Rack in the cupboard!

Daryl's room was the first to be unpacked thanks to Grandma Rosie!

Sun Room! Yes that is a hot tub in the corner and we have no idea if it works!

My bedroom! A new coat of paint and new carpet and I might never go in any other room in the house. The bedroom in plenty big enough for our bedroom furniture, bookcases, spinning wheel, knitting supplies and we still have room for more. Love it!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Quick Post

Just dropping by to let everyone know that we did get moved into our new house! We have a lot of family and friends to thank for giving up their Saturday to help us. Thank You!!!!
Internet is still not working at the new house so pictures and more stories to come. Promise ;-)
Other than that I have stayed up far to late watching basketball recently, but it was worth it. Looking forward to going to bed early for the rest of the week.