Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Henry!!

We now have three Christmas' down and only one to go! Daryl was getting so used to opening presents that he kept asking us every morning if he could open more.

Had to tell him that Christmas is not normally a two week affair but I don't think it sunk in!!
We celebrated the 25th with my brother and his family, Santa did find Daryl at his cousin's house but for some reason left Daryl's presents in the car. ;-) Dad had to go retrieve them before we started opening.

He got more track and another Thomas the Train and he played with that along with a battery powered drill for most of the weekend.

Daryl also learned how to wrestle with his cousin Henry. Its pretty funny because D is over a year older than Henry but Henry is as big as him and loves to just fall on Daryl.
It was funny at there house but last night while I was watching TV D kept body slamming me! That was not fun!

Day after Christmas it was Henry's first birthday! He got to open a whole new pile of presents while his cousins looked on with awe, I'm sure they were wondering how he got two piles of presents!!! Too bad Henry was not fazed and after opening a couple he was DONE! He just wanted to play with his Chicken Dance Elmo and Electric Book.
He had a yummy Elmo cake that his Grandma Becker made for him. It was white cake for the Elmo and Chocolate cake for the sheet cake part. It was SOOOO Good. Henry just liked to lick it! Silly Boy!!

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