Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve

Hanging out with the Stiles' this Christmas Eve. Daryl has had a lot of fun playing with his cousin Henry and Henry's toys!

Uncle Asa had to work today so we got to babysit Henry and he was a great baby. He napped twice and the first time everyone took a nap!
We keep telling Daryl Santa is coming tomorrow but he is still not getting it. That's OK because when we went and looked at the Christmas tree today he said, "Wow, that's REALLY nice!"

If we could all get so excited about just the lights it would probably be a lot less stressful of a holiday!

The surprise project I mentioned in my earlier post was 13 felted pouches for the women in my office! They took me two months to complete and were totally worth it. Everyone loved them! Sometimes when you knit a gift you don't know if the person you are giving it to will realize that not only are you giving them yarn transformed, you are giving them hours and hours of your time. These ladies totally got that! I'm already thinking about what I might make for them next year :)

Peace to everyone tonight and if you are blessed like Meerpohl Manor is make sure to say a prayer for someone else who might be needing it!

Merry Christmas!!

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