Monday, December 20, 2010

Tis the Season

Daryl has had his first Christmas of the season. It was a great time with family and Daryl got some special toys he is really excited about. He got some great books, some big boy underwear, a tent and some tools! He was so excited about the tools he slept with his hammer last night.

He has also been fixing EVERYTHING in our house. A little tap with his hammer and whatever he is working on is fixed :)

I made Daryl, Dominic and Carter Christmas shirts and they were very well received. Those boys crack me up! I do think Ashtin was a bit jealous so I will be on the look out for the perfect pattern for him next year! or not...he's kinda big! LOL

Right now I am still working on one more big project for Christmas and if I get my blog all taken care of I should finish it tonight. Can't post any pictures of the special project tonight but later this week for sure!

Hope everyone is having a great holiday! I know we are!!

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