Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pride Cometh Before The Fall

I have been making great progress towards Christmas. I've only missed one advent service (an improvement over last year). All our presents are bought and wrapped, minus just a few that I'm making. Even the homemade gifts are on track to sail to the finish line.

Kelly and I have kept to our December budget and have not overspent a penny. We have been doing our monthly budget for two years now, spending every dollar on paper before the month begins. We were getting pretty high on the hog about it.

Well the way only fate can, it slapped us upside the head today. Our car (the upgraded one) has been giving us fits with the steering. Being our handy selves, Kelly tried to fix the power steering instead of paying the shop $300 to do it.

Hindsight we probably should have just paid it. More precisely we are going to pay it because whatever is wrong, we couldn't figure out with the help of friends and google.

Anywho the budget will probably be up in smoke even after all the careful planning, this is life. That is the conclusion.
And next month we will do the budget again, because that is our plan forever!

On a happier note Kelly turned 32 on Saturday. I had to work in the morning but then we went to his parents house for a feast of epic proportions. It was YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY. Kelly also had his cake with pudding in it that he says he only ever got on his birthday! It made him very happy. Today after Church Daryl and I took him to Coldstone for some Ice Cream.

Happy Birthday Honey! This house and life would not be possible without you. You are my personal handyman, mechanic, accountant, life coach, and dreamboat! Love You!

1 comment:

  1. Fate prolly did not slap as hard as it could have. Isn't your murphy plan in place? Had a great weekend, visiting your manor. Yes,I know Kelly is your dream boat! I am so happy for both of you!
