Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Preparation

Daddy here. Mommy's taking a bath to try to recharge her Christmas spirit after working her part time job today. She had plenty of spirit after church this morning, but it faded with the cranky shoppers.

Daryl has been loving everything Christmas. Since the lights went up on the house and the tree up, he wants to "see Christmas" all the time now. When we drive down the road and he see lights on somebody's house he says "Christmas" then sees one without lights and says "no Christmas". He was a big help putting up the tree, and really likes to see the lights turn on. So far, he's been real good about not messing with the tree.

Of course Daryl has been his silly self, as always. The other day he kept wanting his pants around his ankles. He was running around the living room and kept falling down and could only take three inch steps!

The one adult part of Christmas that Daryl hasn't been able to help with is getting Christmas cards ready. We're part way done, and should have them in the mail before long. If being married and being parents didn't already make us adults, sending out Christmas cards sure does! It had to happen sometime.

We're staying busy trying to get everything ready for the Christmas celebrations. They'll be here before we know it!

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