Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Away From Home Camp

Hello, I hope you all enjoyed the guest blogger last week. I think he did a fine job. Sometimes when I'm a little stressed Kel likes to ask what he can help with, he always tries to wiggle out of helping with the blog but if I'm really tired he will do it. He is good to me like that. awwww :)

This week I got to step foot on 4-H campgrounds for the very first time. I was in 4-H when I was a kid but my parents always "forgot" to let me know they had a summer camp! I was by no means mistreated as a child, I'm sure that with Church camp, basketball camp and Girl Scout camp I would survive my summer. Turns out they were right!

I do think 4-H camp would have been one of the top camps because the campground is amazing. The history of the land it is on and all of the fun places make it truly unique. Not every camp can boast that its pool is filled with water from a natural spring. Yeah its cool like that...

So I had a two day conference for work there this week and Kelly held down the fort while I stayed up to late watching a card game and then slept in a bunk bed. I ate in a cafeteria and was in small group workshops, this may sound awful to some but it was actually pretty cool. It reminded me why I wanted to work with 4-H and that's because every once in awhile we get to act like kids again. And that's pretty fun!

Wanted to post the newest song in D's repertoire. Its Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I'll let you know when he know more than the first verse!

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