Saturday, January 8, 2011

I never liked odd numbers

I don't know why but ever since I was in grade school I have liked even numbers better than odd. For some reason I think positive is associated with even and negative with odd. I can't explain it, it's just how I've always felt.

So 2011 makes me uneasy, I'm trying to fight that sense of dread but I'm afraid I've already had good and bad days in the New Year.

I found out this week that my Grandma Betty, (adopted grandma, but loved her just as much as those that share my blood) passed away. She had moved to Florida six months ago.
Grandma Betty told things how they were, she was a tough gal and one of the smartest women I knew. I will take all of her words of wisdom with me for the rest of my life and know in my heart she can see again now and is happy.

I lived with Grandma Betty for two summers during high school, and before that I grew up in her ceramics shop. I will miss her dearly.

On top of all that Kelly and I have been feeling under the weather for the past week. It's that kind of crud that just keeps hanging out and it ticks me off.
Things that are making me happy right now.....

Daryl has been wearing his new undearwear on top of his clothes :-)

I finished a pair of socks I started six months ago :-)

And Woolfest in Wamego was today and I got to go with some of my dearest friends :-)

Lets call a do-over and start the New Year next week. And while we are at it lets call in 2010 part 2...gotta love all of those even numbers!!!

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