Thursday, January 27, 2011

January Blahs

Sorry for the lack of new posts but frankly we have not been very exciting lately. And that is OK! I'm all about the old adage, "No news, is good news."
Daryl did move into his big boy bed this week. He loves the idea of sleeping with his Toy Story covers and pillows but when it comes to turning out the lights it's a different story.
The first night I layed down with him for a half hour until he fell asleep. Kelly didn't want that turning into a nasty habit so Daryl cried for about 40 minutes two nights ago before he fell asleep. Last night he went to bed without a peep!
The GOOD NEWS is he doesn't get out of the bed.
Another great thing Daryl has found out about his bed is he can now look out his window. Oh the freedom!!
On the knitting front I'm working on a gift knit right now I will share after I give it away and a pair of socks for myself. The socks are a simple rib pattern but the yarn is what makes them amazing. It stripes in this super cool colorway. I want to make sure to have them done for our vacation to San Fransisco. Did I mention we are going to San Fransisco??
More on that later ;-)
Keep It Real Folks!!

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