Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Its official, Startitis has come from the north and is spreading. The infection is now in my house and I've got it bad.
To those that are not familiar with the term its when you start so many projects you have no hope of finishing any of them. BUT YOU JUST KEEP STARTING NEW THINGS. Its a terrible sickness...
I've started new sock (since I finished my Monkey's!!!!), I'm eyeballing a shawl pattern, and a new hat. I also need to pick up my whisper cardigan and there is always Kel's sweater. Kel's sweater is now officially for his Christmas 2012. SHHHHHHHH don't tell him :)
I did make some resolutions for this year and so far so good. But they are long term year-long goals so I can keep with them.
In 2011, we are going to be free of credit card debt (never to go back again!!)
Build a back yard fence (with cash)
Run 4 races (probably 5-10K distance)
Modest Kitchen Remodel (this is the stretch goal but I think we can handle it)
Happy Snow Days everyone!!

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