Friday, May 31, 2024

May Goal Check In

May is always a busy time with the end of school and the beginning of summer. We go from my favorite thing "a routine" to my least favorite thing, "different things every day". But that's ok, I've had a week of cool mornings to run in and I can finally eat my normal meat and bread diet again! (See Below) Happy summer everyone, try not to loose them kids. 

Read 18 Books 9/18 

I read two books in May. Both were fiction and just fun reads. I've also started the second DUNE book but those take awhile for me to read. I think Science Fiction is just like that for me. I'm going to try to rush though because I want to do the Library Summer reading challenge that is six books in June and July. I'm laser focused! 

Don't Let Her Stay by Nicola Sanders is probably the best thriller I've read this year. The story has lots of twists and turns and I really like that. You will want to strangle the main character (out of frustration) for the entire book but that's also what keeps you reading. Recommend! 

The Return by Nicolas Sparks was a book my mom read and I haven't read a Nicolas Sparks book in a long time to I grabbed it after her. Unlike the thriller I read before this book, The Return was a little too predictable. The only twist was in the love story and was actually kind of off putting, so I made myself finish it for the secondary story he had going on. Maybe that's his talent, even if you aren't rooting for the love story there is always something else going on. It was a so-so for me. 

Run 600 Miles 251/600

I made my goal of 55 miles today, the last day of the month! 

Monthly Healthy Habit Eat More Fruits and Vegetables 

So this was a kick in the mouth this month. I don't like veggies so from May 1st-18th I was hitting the fruit hard. An apple every morning for breakfast, oranges for a snack and another apple at night if I was still hungry. Just when I thought I was liking my new diet I got something I've never had before. Canker sores in my mouth! One quickly turned into four, turned into me not being able to eat anything besides oatmeal and mashed potatoes! When a new ones kept popping up I actually went to urgent care, where the doctor asked if I had changed my diet. Why yes I had, because coffee and chocolate never did this to me! So, I tried with the fruits and vegetables, my body rejected them! It took a week to be able to eat normal again. I don't recommend the canker sore diet. 

2024 Money Goals:   

  • Replace Garage Door Replace Windows Changed this once again. Facing another hot summer, finally bit the bullet and had estimates done on the windows. Picked a company, paid half of the cost and now I wait......
  • Down payment on New Car
  • Pay Mortg. Principle down 4K Made a principle payment in May
  • Hit my Savings Goals for the year Put money in the savings account in May, but also made a withdrawal for the windows. So my savings account is sad, but not financing windows makes me happy. 

Last day of school lunch is our tradition. 
Most years it is at Red Lobster. Alex had pasta with a side
of steak. LOL 

My mouth was hurting, I had mashed potatoes. :-( 

Daryl has his favorite Crab Legs! 

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