Friday, May 3, 2024

Goal Check In, 4 Months Down!

The whole month of April was a blur. Alex and I both agreed last night we can't believe it is May! He said it feels like he just started 6th grade and now he is almost done. I agreed! But with 4 months down, how are the goals looking?! 

Read 18 Books 7/18 

I read two books in April! One almost exclusively on my trip to New York City. I love that my friends like to take time in the hotel to just recharge and chill. For me that meant reading. 

Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng was one of those books that could go from fiction to non fiction too easily. In the world she creates a market meltdown is blamed on China. America not only embraces the sentiment but it legalizes discrimination against anything that could be Chinese. They claim it's patriotic. This book was written in 2020 and the author pulled from experiences all around her that were not pretty. It's a great book even if it's awful and scary. The pages after the book is over written from the author to her readers was especially moving. Recommend! 

Change Anything by Kerry Patterson was my non fiction read for the month. It has research and advice to change our bad habits. I have fallen off of my healthy diet and exercise habits this year. I'm using the advice of this book to get back into my healthy habits. I've been using the methods for a week and so far, so good! 

Run 600 Miles 196/600

Even with my half marathon in April I only logged 40 miles for the month. My goal is 50 miles a month so I need to do a little better unless I want to run 80 miles in December. And trust me, I don't want to run 80 miles in December! 

Monthly Healthy Habit Water

I'm still trying to drink my water and eat more fruits and vegetables. I was doing pretty badly at this in the beginning of April but once I got back from Vacation I've been having fruit for breakfast and making sure to take my water with me all day. It's working! I have carrots at work for my snack this week. Who even is this?! 

2024 Money Goals:   

  • Replace Garage Door
  • Down payment on New Car
  • Pay Mortg. Principle down 4K Made a principle payment in April
  • Hit my Savings Goals for the year Put money in the savings account in April 
Alex feeding a very nice giraffe at the Topeka Zoo! 

Daryl taking a selfie with the giraffes, they seemed into it!

Daryl preparing to go into a very wet tube
that is for children much smaller than him.

He did get all the way through! I had already left to see the bears. 

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