Monday, May 20, 2024

Happy Graduation Cadence!

 This weekend we packed up the car and headed across the state to see Cadence graduate from Lakin High School. The Stiles' hosted us Friday night in Hays so we could break up the trip a little bit and see our more cousins! It was so great to see so much family, our aunts and uncles that came to cheer Cadence on. Also, my sister can throw quite the party, everything was delicious. I wish we could have stayed longer but we had a LONG drive home. 

Congratulations Cadence, I'm so excited for you and to see you write the next chapter of your story! 

Coming together to celebrate our girl!
Sofia is not taller than me, she was wearing heels.

These cousins are across the state but 
love every chance they can get to be together!

In Hays I got to visit Catrick Stiles, my brother keeps trying to give him back!

My cards partner is always Clara! 

She is official! 

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