Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Back at the Ball Fields

 Last summer neither of the boys wanted to play baseball and you know what, that was ok. I quickly forgot what it is like to be at the fields till after 10pm a couple of nights a week. Well Daryl had so much fun playing high school ball this year, he joined a team out at Dornwood. 

I was proud that he pretty much did it all by himself. I got a text asking if he could join at team, and I said as long as it doesn't travel. The next text I got was a couple of days later telling me his first game was the coming Monday. His first game started at 8:30 PM and we got home at 11! On a work night! I'm glad he is being active and social this summer, but man, these hours are rough! 

Alex spent the first week of June at 501 Math program. It went from 8-noon each day and he said he liked it. They played a lot of games and it was a small class and he liked that too. 

Go Rhinos! 


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