Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Race Recap, Sioux Falls 10K

 On August 28th I ran in the Sioux Falls 10k. I had originally signed up for the half marathon but had to scale back my distance due to injury. I am determined to run this half marathon because it goes through Falls Park and the 10K didn't, so I it's still on my list! 

The weather was great and it was a very scenic route, after the race we explored downtown Sioux Falls for almost an entire day. They have an old theatre that plays old movies, the marquee showed "Drop Dead Gorgeous", that just so happens to be one of my favorite movies. So of course had to watch that on the big screen for the first time. 

It was a great trip and on a whim stopped by the Hard Rock Casino in Sioux City, Iowa and came home with an extra $100. Yay! 

My official 10K time was 1:06:33, I was 136/235 overall and 14/22 in the F 30-39 age group. My big win was I didn't have any walk breaks! There is a local 10K at the lake this month. I need to see about getting signed up for that. 

My official finish photo! 

Celebratory beer and knitting!

Kinda hard to see but the firefighters came out to 
cheer on the runners! 

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