Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Final NELD Session- Washington DC

I got home Friday from my Extension Leadership conference that involved many central states. I still struggle to find the words to wrap up my experience. It was way more than I expected and the colleagues I met from across extension were outstanding. The other members of my NELD co-hort will be a valuable resource to me as I try to do the very best I can for Shawnee County and Kansas. I hope I can be the same help to them. And if board games are being played in this group, count me in! I haven't laughed that much in years! 

Does research change, yes. Does science change, yes. Will our work be constantly changing so we can inform our communities with the best information, yes. This is great news and exhausting all at the same time. 

The backdrop of Washington DC to discovering leadership all around us was perfect. Most leaders are not in front of the microphones, and I ascribe to the KLC motto, "Anyone can lead, anytime, and anywhere.

Now the bigger challenge, taking the time to incorporate what I have learned into my position. I have a self addressed letter coming to me in one year to see how I'm doing, I won't let future me down by not doing the work now. 

This last week was hard because for the first time in three sessions I was missing stuff at home. Daryl had a doctor appointment with an allergist. Many thanks to his dad for the detailed notes on that. Alex got his school trumpet. He did blow into it for me when I got home. And Daryl had his 2nd 8th grade football game. Most thanks to Alex who stopped playing under the bleachers and went to tell me the score when I called him. Alex also asked and found out if they were home or away so the score would mean something to me. They won! 

The MVP of the week was Grandma Rosie, who stood in for me and mostly cooked the food I bought and didn't take them out to eat every night for a week! Love you Mom! 

OMG they let the KSU folks graduate!

Did the first lady wave at us while we were waiting for our dinner reservation?
Yes, she did!!! 

Am I an extension geek and took a picture of the arch as well, yes I am. 

Look at Jessica and I riding the metro like big kids!

Did I cry at the Holocaust museum, yes. Did I 
cry at the African American History and Culture museum, yes.
Do I think these two museums are must sees for every human, yes!

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