Thursday, September 29, 2022


 Tis the season to pass the pigskin. Daryl is playing for his middle school again this year and he and Alex "run plays" almost every day in the yard. We have also been fortunate enough to see two KU Football victories! (In the same season ;-) 

Last Saturday was so fun to see the Jayhawks take on Duke. It was sunny and warm, but worth the sunburn because they held on and got the win. I hope they keep on winning, this has already been such a fun season! 

Of the four games Daryl has played I have made it to three. They won the only game I didn't see. Maybe I need to stay away? Daryl gets pretty discouraged because last year they were undefeated. I told him there is usually more to learn in the losses than in the wins. I know that is true, but it's still not what he wants to hear! He is playing a lot and that was something he really wanted last year, so he has that to be proud of. 

It feels like fall right now, let's hope it stays that way for awhile. 🏈

It's hard to get a good picture facing the sun after
you have just lost. (Thanks a lot mom!)

Game Day! (I stole his 7th grade shirt for this
year's games!)

#11 is mine

This is just WOW!

We had excellent seats at the KU/Duke game. 

I took a good "sports ball" picture!


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