Friday, May 7, 2021

Softball and Salads

 Earlier this week I had a quick trip west and it was great. I need to get back to the Dodge City area more, and shame on me for not doing it. However, this last year was not a great time to visit relatives anyway, I was so happy when I got to hug my Aunt Dee and Uncle Larry. I'm so glad that we have vaccines and they can be out and about again! 

The catalyst to go back was to see my niece play softball. While her team did not get a win it was fun to watch her pitch and bat. She is having a really good time and it is fun to watch her grow up into a High Schooler. I can't hardly believe it! 

Ok, that was the fun part, now we will talk about salads. I have stayed with my salad a day commitment and am doing it. I don't know if my blood is getting any less sludgy. I do plan to have it checked after this month to see if eating all of these vegetables did anything. A week in all I can say is, I've had ok salads and bad salads. I've yet to have a good one. That is my reflection for now! 

Cady got hit at this at bat, that's one way to get on base! 

Happy Birthday Sofia! 

If I put fruit in my drinks, is it a fruit salad? 

Photo proof b/c people who know me, won't believe 
I'm eating this many vegetables. 😝

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