Monday, May 31, 2021

May Goal Update

Used this long weekend to explore locally with the boys and then hang out with mom today. Daryl was bored yesterday so I told him to make a plan. In fact make three plans and I would choose one for us to do. So from his well thought out list I picked Baker Wetlands in Lawrence with some ice cream to reward us for our walk! We went, we walked and we ate. All was well with the world! 

I didn't eat 30 salads this month. I was three short and yes I could have had three salads today but instead I decided to eat none. Well that could be premature, I might eat one for dinner. Eh, I tried. Not making any goals in June but trying to eat more vegetables still....forever.....

Read 20 Books: 9/20  

I finished 1 book in May and started three others. So I've set myself up for big reading success in June. LOL 

Atomic Habits by James Clear 

I really liked this book. I clearly like goals, however there are some habits I wish I had. I've got running and reading down, but my housekeeping skills could be more regimented and I also have habits I need to break. Like checking social media before I get out of bed. I assure you nothing has happened since I checked it before I closed my eyes. Yikes!  Look at me, just telling all of my dirty secrets! It's ok, I'm working on them. ;-) 

Run 800 miles: 378/800

I ran 81 miles this month. I had a half marathon race in May so that always give my mileage a good bump. I'm still on track to accomplish this goal on time. I will try to find some motivation with no race in June and a couple of busy weeks this month. Need to get at least 16 miles a week. I'll just take this month one week at a time! 

Money Goals: Put some money in savings and still waiting on my shower install. Have the tile ready just waiting my turn on the contractor's list! 

  • Pay Off my Car - Done March
  • Replace my Car's Windshield-Done Jan. 
  • New Fridge
  • Fix Stairs
  • Install a shower in hall bathroom and fix the sink in my bathroom
  • Add $2,000 to savings 
  • Replace some windows
Knit four new things: 1/4

I started a thing this month! When I went out of town last week I knew I needed some road trip knitting. So I started the baby sweater I have been telling myself to start since January. No worries, I'm just making a larger size since I missed the baby's first winter. This is a second winter sweater. LOL I crack myself up! Hopefully next month I will be halfway through this goal, fingers crossed! 

We walked for over an hour with minimal grumbling! 
Good Pick Daryl! 
It doesn't look like much now, but it will be adorable! 

Forgot to show off my new coffee cup from Little Rock! 

Alex and I were in the back for the most part. 

Saw some wildlife on our hike! 

I recommend the Banana Hot Fudge Sundae at 
Sylas and Maddy's!

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