Sunday, May 23, 2021

Bill Snyder Highway Half

Yesterday, I ran my second half marathon for 2021. My goal is four so I'm halfway done with this goal. The Bill Snyder Highway Half is a challenging course even in good weather. The first time I ran it last year it ended in town and was very downhill then flat. This year we ran the traditional course that ends on the KSU football field and that means the last three miles are a climb. I would say I have a love/hate relationship with hills but I actually just hate them. 

My goal was 2:05 and my official time was 2:05:25, so I'm calling that a win! Add rain and humidity to the hills and I'm even more proud of that time. My next race is in August and I'm going to try for the elusive 2 hours time. I've only broke two hours once and I would really like to do it again! 

Most races I go to by myself, so I was really happy to ride down and back with my friend Kirby. We met at the Topeka race and we have so much in common it's crazy! So glad to make more running friends to help keep me motivated!! Kirby you PR'd on a crap day! Yay you!! 

We look pretty good for having run 13.1 miles in 
icky humidity! 

Last year the  course was flatter and my time was 2:10
so I have definitely gotten stronger this last year! 

My first time finishing on the field and I 
was on the Jumbo Screen! Thanks Kate for
getting this picture for me! 

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