Friday, May 28, 2021

Road Trip!

This week I went on my first Road Trip since July 2020 and the destination was Little Rock, AR. It was GREAT! I had to wait a year to get in with the fabulous Tattoo artist Katie McGowan, to finish my quarter sleeve. I had her add a ball of yarn and cactus to the existing piece and I LOVE it! Katie is worth the wait and Little Rock is a fun little trip. Her shop name is Love Spell Tattoo . 

Took some extra days to enjoy the area a little bit. I've been to Katie three times now and I've never hiked in Arkansas. I corrected that error at Pinnacle Mountain State Park and hiked the summit trail. It was rock climbing for much of the hike but it was well worth it. Also, I've never seen a better marked trail you could see the next trail mark for the one you were looking at. No way to get lost, I like that! 

Another place I made time to visit with the Rock Town Distillery. Got to try a lot of Arkansas whiskey, some good... and some better! They did make me one heck of an old fashioned. I'm back home, refreshed and ready to go. Also, just trying not to scratch my new ink. The itch is real. 

Arkansas River at Sunset! 

All good road trips have a knitting project! 

The barrels at Rock Town Distillery

An Amazing Old Fashioned! 

I'm a hiker! (I actually needed a fanny pack of some sort)

View from the top!

When hiking becomes rock climbing....

New Ink! This is mostly on the underside of my arm and I love it!

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